Digital Marketing 101
The Huntersville, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce recently presented a Digital Marketing seminar discussing the importance of Social Media, website development, SEO, Adwords, and video for businesses. The seminar was presented in 3 parts, with the web development and digital marketing component presented by the Vice President of Animink, Markus Alison.
The purpose of the presentation was to give new businesses an opportunity to learn the benefits of promoting their business online. Some highlight from the presentation…
How many of you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad? One of Kiyosaki’s key points in his bestselling book is finding ways to build assets. Your business is an asset (or should be), and dollars spent to grow your business are like little workers. Don’t waste them. Put each of them to work for you. The beauty of digital marketing is that unlike TV or radio, you can specifically target your audience, and explicitly quantify your results, showing a precise return on investment (ROI) with your dollars spent. You can even determine your exact cost per customer. As a Charlotte web development company, it’s our job to help you succeed online.
So let’s talk about what a successful digital marketing campaign can look like.
A lot of companies reach out to us because they were at a trade show or other event, and were pitching their business without having a website. Prospective clients didn’t take them seriously because they didn’t believe they were a legitimate business, simply because they had no website. Your website legitimizes your business online. Think about it as your virtual HQ, it’s your home-base of operations online. If you’re a product-based company, you’re going to want to sell your products here. If you’re a service-based company, you’re going to want to fully explain what you do, and how someone can use your services.
You need to leverage an experienced website design company that can make sure that your site is designed to not only function well but also be fully optimized for organic search.
Organic Search
With your brand spankin’ new website in place, you’re ready to begin the process of generating business online via relevant keywords. This is often called SEO (search engine optimization) and can best be described as on-site and off-site information that makes your company more relevant to what you do, thus increasing your rank in search engines. This is another complicated process that should be best left to professionals. Not only does it take a lot of time every month, the best practices for search engine optimization change frequently. You need a web development company with a team of dedicated specialists that can stay on top of the latest trends in search engine optimization to maximize your exposure relevant to your industry.
The organic search process takes time (if you rush it, the Google gods will frown on you), so while you’re waiting, you can generate immediate traffic to your website via Adwords, Google’s form of pay-per-click. The Animink pay-per-click team are experts in optimizing your Adwords campaign, and maximizing the return on your dollars spent. We utilize conversion tracking to quantify what we call ‘smart goals’, a specific customer response that is valuable to your businesses. We can show you on a weekly basis exactly how much you’re spending, and how it is creating business for you.
Social Media and other tools
The elements above are the larger part of the digital marketing machine, however, social media, online reputation management (ORM), and other areas are also critical to a successful campaign. Be prepared to fiercely protect your brand online, earn positive google reviews, and don’t let a single lead slip by.
Web Development Charlotte NC – The Payoff
As the month’s progress, you’ll find that not only is business rapidly increasing due to your online efforts, you’ll also find that money spent in some areas is not as effective as others. As a web development company, Animink is extremely strategic in managing how each dollar is spent, and as we work directly with you, and as we find areas that don’t make money, we simply prune them and move those efforts to where they are most effective. This on-going effort is part of every relationship that we have with every client.
If you missed this seminar presented by the Huntersville Chamber, there will be more opportunities in the coming months to attend and learn more about how your online efforts can drastically increase sales for your business.