Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing Services – An Overview
Search Engine Marketing in Charlotte, or SEM, involves a very different process than Search Engine Optimization (SEO). However, the two are often viewed as synonymous and are frequently incorporated into a single online marketing campaign for a company.
Search Engine Marketing in Charlotte, is the process of using paid advertisements within search engine results to generate clicks, and in turn, traffic to your website. Ultimately, you want to leverage this practice of digital marketing via a search engine marketing company to convert those clicks into sales. Your paid advertisements show up as Sponsored Listings. When you view results on search engine results pages (SERPs), you’ll see Sponsored listings above Organic listings.
Note however that your paid advertisements don’t show up haphazardly on SERPs. They appear when a user searches specific keyword phrases, thus allowing you to very specifically target your potential customers online at their time of need. And you only pay when your ad is clicked, not viewed. Thus you will pay-per-click (PPC) for each user. There is currently no other method as effective as search engine marketing services, allowing your business to show up within targeted searches online.

PPC Services – The Key is Keywords
Surely you’ve used a search engine like Google or Bing to find information or a product online. Google relies on the words you type when you search to help you find what you’re looking for. Likewise, when you leverage search engine marketing services like Google Adwords, it’s the keywords you define for your ads that allow your ad to show up at the right time to the right person. As a search engine marketing company, Animink will perform ‘Keyword Research’ to identify the most relevant keywords for your business. These are the keywords that your potential customers are most likely to use when searching for products or services that you provide.
Via keyword research, Animink’s PPC services can not only identify keyword phrases with the most search volume, but also find phrases that are essentially irrelevant and will net your business little to no traffic.
Search Engine Marketing Services – Ad Auction
Paid advertisements for all search engines require the process of an ad auction to determine when and how often your ads appear to users that enter a search query into a search engine relevant to your keywords. As a search engine marketing company, we identify the keywords required for your ads, and bids are placed on those keywords so that your ads will appear within the results of the corresponding search. Ultimately, Google’s algorithms make the determination as to whether or not your ad will appear based on the user’s search query.
There are a host of other factors that also determine whether or not your ad will appear within a search. Your ad will not appear within every single search relative to the keywords you have defined. Leveraging our PPC services, we will assist in determining your monthly budget, maximum bid, and other factors as we work through the paid advertisement process.
Reach out to Animink, a search engine marketing company with the experience to generate positive results online. Our PPC services will prove invaluable to your business.