
The latest and greatest from Animink.
It’s our own little online brag book.
March 11, 2015

Harvick Wins

The Charlotte Web Design company Animink is proud to be part of the Stewart-Haas Racing team. Following on the heels of his 2014 Sprint Cup Championship, Kevin Harvick of SHR won the Kobalt 400 on Sunday.     Check out the SHR project page here, or visit the official...

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March 3, 2015

Ocean Outfitters

Ocean Outfitters reached out to the Charlotte Web Design team at Animink to completely reface their online store. Ocean Outfitters, located in Southport, NC began in 1985, and has needed a responsive site to reach shoppers on tablets and phones, as well as PC's.     Animink created...

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February 16, 2015


The Alison Group and the Charlotte Web Design team at Animink are at it again, working together to create a website for AORE, The Art of Real Estate. The mission of AORE is to help educate and motivate people who are interested in investing in...

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January 26, 2015


Animink, the Charlotte Web Design firm, has teamed up once again with The Alison Group to assist another startup company. RentSmart is the brainchild of Justin Anderson, co-founder of AORE (Art of Real Estate). Justin's vision was an online destination for property owners to find...

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December 23, 2014

Redneck Detector App

It's fun, it's easy, it's a buck! The John Boy & Billy Redneck Detector, created by Animink for The Big Show, is our latest app available on the iphone app store.     The app uses the gyro within the iphone to 'detect' a redneck in your vicinity. A...

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November 12, 2014

Lowe Vintage Instrument Company

Lowe Vintage Instrument Company humbly began as a shared passion for music and vintage instruments between father and son, Ed and Will Lowe.   Their passion has transformed into a booming business based out of Burlington, North Carolina.   Lowe Vintage reached out to the Charlotte Web Design team...

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